SheHacks Intervasity CTF

This year i attended the SheHacks Annual InterVasity CTF, a two day event hosted at USIU-Africa. It was a fun experience except the tough CTF challenges :fearful:. This is a write-up of the few i managed to solve. :relieved:


The link took us to this page which says "Graphql running..."

With basic paths check for the graphql instance i found it runs on graphql.

The next step is to enumerate all available types anf fields with the introspection query query={__schema{types{name,fields{name}}}} to discover the schema information.

With the introspection we uncover getFlag field which likely retrieves the contents of the Flagtable.

Sending query={getFlag {id flag}} returns a base64 encoded flag value.

Decoding… Voila!:open_mouth:


This was an easy challenge that required knowledge in analyzing macro-based source code.
Macro based malware are scripts(js, powershell,vbs) that are embedded inside Ms office documents to abuse the macro feature.

To view if there exists any macro emmbeded scripts in a document we use or olevba tools.

The letter M next to the stream indicates that the stream contains Macro emmbeded code. We could use books.xls -s 8 -d to read the code but olevba books.xls does a better job.

We can see the macro source codes for module 1 ans 2. Module 1 is a Visual Script that checks the document properties and executes the value for the property named comments. If we examine the file properties, comments has a value that spawns the command prompt and output Oops.

The second script is a powershell code that executes what seems to be a base64 encoded string. let’s uncover what that is.

It seems to be a basic PowerShell reverse shell that listens for commands from a local server( and executes those command. The challege asked for the Ip adress and the port, SHCTF{}:smiley:.