CyberTalents Blue-Team Scholarship

My Journey through SOC and Threat Hunting!

Hello fellow cybersecurity enthusiasts!:grinning: Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey as i dive into the world of Security Operation Center(SOC) Analysis and Threat Hunting. Join me as I embark on a three months blue team training programme by CyberTalents and TrendMicro tailored to equip learners with the skills and knowledge to defend against the ever evolving cyber threats.

In this post, i aim to share my notes, discoveries and hopefully triumphs as i navigate through this landscape of blue team operations. I’m determined to learn and hone my skills. Please correct me when i’m wrong! So, buckle up and let’s learn how to find the hackers lurking in our NETWORKS!!!

The Battle Begins! Are You Ready?

Certified SOC Analyst

Certified Threat Hunter