CyberShujaa Security Analyst Training

My Journey to becoming a Security Analyst I got accepted for the CyberShujaa Security Analyst Training! :blush: In this post i will be documenting my whole journey through the trainning! Buckle up, and let’s get started. Linux Fundamentals Windows Fundamentals MITRE Framework Reconnaissance - Pasive Nmap101 Enumeration - SMB Thr...

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SheHacks Intervasity CTF

This year i attended the SheHacks Annual InterVasity CTF, a two day event hosted at USIU-Africa. It was a fun experience except the tough CTF challenges :fearful:. This is a write-up of the few i managed to solve. :relieved:

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Cryptography I

Welcome to my cryptography series. In this post i look forward to share my notes as i explore the famous Stanford Cryptography course by Dan Boneh. It’s an online 7 week course covering the workings of cryptographic primitives in todays world and how to break one’s not implemented securely. At the end of each topic, the course has optional progr...

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UDOM End of Year CTF writeup

This was an end of year jeopardy style CTF that ran from 12:00pm 31/12/2022 to 9:00pm 01/01/2023 organized by our friends from Tanzania. It was a solo run CTF challenge that each player played alone. I managed position 7 finally. The CTF challenges ranged from Steg(were preety tough), Crypto, Forensics, Web, etc..

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Windows Registry Forensics Cheatsheet

The Registry - The windows registry located at Windows\system32\config is a large database that stores configuration settings on Microsoft Windows Operating system and its applications. It is used to store a variety of information such as system settings, user preferences, etc…In a live system, the registry can be accessed using regedit(Registry...

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Powershell Payload De-obfuscation

Code obfuscation is a common technique that malware authors implement through splitting and formatting command strings, randomization of variables, encoding or even more often adding garbage to their code by including pieces of code that do useless things like functions and variables that are entirely never used throughout the program. All thes...

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